3D Art Prints Brendongebhart: “Divine Intervention Print”
Brendongebhart present a very special time-limited edition abstract print release for this holiday season! The print, “Divine Intervention Print”.
Brendongebhart is an illustrator who documents his psychedelic voyages in his intricate artwork from Texas, United States of America. About print: “My future becomes the past as I re awaken my present. Full of anxiety 1,111 personalities. A structured fractal of infinity, a burch tree with a million loving eyes staring back at me with no desire but to wash away my ugly. I’ve found my bliss. I am now convinced we are all headed towards the promise land. This is divine intervention. “I” a pretty product of the ebb and flow, I sway while the the twins swirl. One is yin and the other yang. As I adjust my position I vomit and slowly sit up straight. Only one more toke before I sink into chaos.”
As I wove myself into the fabric of the god reality (which I belive to be love) I learned the beauty of surrender. To stay present and let life unfold as it so perfectly does. This was the first morning in a while where I woke up feeling like myself. I feel like I actually have some sort of control. As if I am the god of my own reality and the center of my own universe. As I continue moving forward on my path of self understanding, I choose to observe and look through the eyes of love and serve all my brothers and sisters with an open heart. To encourage the idea of oneness and to stay present and live in the beauty that is the now. I trust in the process and I’m slowly learning how to dance along. 💙
The cost you pay for includes the production, frame, packaging and delivery. The amount that remains is divided between the artists. We are deeply grateful for your support! Please, note that delivery is carried out the other end of the world and takes its time. It usually takes 3-5 weeks before orders are in your hands, please plan your gifts in advance!